What Everyone Should Know About Sunscreen

What Should Everyone Know About Sunscreen?
Numerous of us enjoy spending time in the sun — but while around 20 minutes of sunscreen-free sun exposure will help your body get the vitamin D it needs to stay healthy, we all know that the harmful rays of the sun pose a rather significant risk, too. If you're already using sunscreen to protect yourself, you're doing better than some. Because many folks don't initially use their sunscreen the right way, though, we hope that we can help you make sure you're not one of them.
The Basics: What Kind of Sunscreen do You Need?
The pros, people like dermatologists and oncologists, recommend that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen. That means a sunscreen that protects you against both UVA rays, which leads to premature aging and other visible skin problems, and UVB rays, the kind that causes sunburn. Because both of these rays can contribute to the development of skin cancer, this double protection is the way to go.
The US Food and Drug Administration urges everyone to choose a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15, while many medical professionals would instead use an SPF of at least 30. Sunscreens with higher sun protection factors are certainly on the market, and while they do offer slightly more protection, the highest numbers don't do that much more.
How Often and Where Should You Apply Sunscreen?
For optimal protection, slather than sunscreen on at least 15 minutes before you hit the sun. Apply another coat at least every two hours, and more often when you're swimming — because, though some sunscreens are water-resistant, water will still make them wash off faster.
Although responsible folks will take additional steps to protect themselves from the sun's harmful rays whenever they can, like covering most of their bodies in light, loose clothes made from natural fibers, it's still essential to apply your sunscreen all over. Brands like Sun Bum, our favorite, offer a wide variety of creams, lotions, and sprays, for all parts of the body, including the face and hair. Don't be like most people — make sure that potentially neglected spots like your ears, feet, and lips get some of that good stuff too!
How Should You Store Sunscreen?
Sun Bum sunscreen products can last you for three years, though if you use them correctly, those handsome containers will be emptied before that happens. To ensure your sunscreen is still good to go, follow the expert advice to store your sunscreen away from direct exposure to the sun. That means in a dark cupboard when at home or covered in a towel, or stored inside a bag-- ideally in a cool shade while you're out and about.
While some sunscreens test on animals, it's also good to know that Sun Bum products are cruelty-free and predominantly vegan — this brand cares for the planet as much as it does about your skin and health, and that means that you can soak up the sun without guilt.
- Grivet Staff
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