Bike Touring – Tips To Keep In Mind

Is your idea of a perfect vacation grabbing a bike and riding through beautiful scenic routes or exciting city streets? Perhaps it is camping out and relying on your ingenuity instead of being stuck indoors watching yet another Netflix rerun. Then a bike tour of the countryside will be a great experience! Bike touring requires some planning to do it safely and enjoyably, but it's quite easy to do. Grivet Outdoors has a few tips to note before you set off on your next exciting adventure.
Pick The Right Bike
If you're looking for the "proper" type of bike to take along, you should consider the terrain before deciding on your ride. Where will you be traveling? Will it be the cities, on the pavement? Or do you plan to take the majority of your trip over rough terrain such as mountain biking? If your plans include a bit of both, you can choose a hybrid bike that tries to accommodate both worlds' best. Keep in mind that your bike will be carrying more weight, so be sure your bike has attachment points for your gear.
Dress Appropriately
A short bike ride is generally a leisure adventure that doesn’t require much thought. Weekend touring on a bike is a different adventure altogether. Choose comfortable footwear that won't slip over long periods and your bike and those that will crossover for the times you need to hike off-road. The Altra Men's Vali Shoe is a great choice that offers all-day comfort without adding extra weight to your journey. Wear breathable clothing and is suitable for the weather in the region you plan to bike through. While you are at it, grab a Baggallini Go Bagg with RFID Phone Wristlet to hold your ID, spare cash, and your phone while you are on the go.
Plan Your Route
If you own a smartphone or know how to use Google, there is no excuse for getting lost. Knowing your route ahead of time can prevent problems. Most people use a GPS device, but it's always good to have a backup. Print maps in case your GPS unit is accidentally dropped over a cliff, or your battery dies. If you bring a compass, know how to use it.
Be Prepared For Medical Emergencies
It's almost inevitable that you or someone in your group will become overly exhausted, take a fall, run into an object, or become dehydrated. People need time to rest, time to refuel (eat) and rehydrate. Pack a 1st aid kit and remember that this is not a race, so take breaks, relax, and enjoy the scenery. We have a more in-depth post about medical kits for hiking that may provide some inspiration for your bike kit, as well.
Prepare for Mechanical Failures
Bicycles are mechanical devices, and all mechanical devices will eventually have problems. You may not have trouble, but you should be prepared, just in case you do. Bicycle repair shops are common close to the city, but when you are outside of town or have problems in the middle of the night, you will need to know how to repair common issues independently. Learn how to master small repairs and bring along the tools necessary to do them. Pack a small repair kit for emergencies such as an inner tube repair kit or a spare tube, an extra brake cable, and a small air pump.
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